Getting started with Ansible - Your learning path guide.

Getting started with Ansible - Your learning path guide.

2024, Dec 04    

Introduction ✨

I’ve put together a learning path that significantly helped me improve my automation skills, and I believe it can do the same for you! 🚀

So, how does this work for you if you’re just starting out, whether you’re fresh out of university 🎓, switching careers 🔄, or have basic (or no) knowledge of the tools around automation? 🤖

In that case, I highly recommend starting with the prerequisites first. 🛠️ You’ll need to get familiar with the tools you’ll be using and the systems you’ll be automating to lay a strong foundation before diving into Ansible.

On the other hand, if you’re like me and come from a different IT background—whether it’s programming 💻, infrastructure administration 🖧, cloud administration ☁️, or something else—you can skip the prerequisites and jump straight into the core content.

This path is designed to get you up to speed and enhance your automation skills, no matter where you’re starting from! 🌟


This section is specifically for those who don’t have any background in Linux administration, Windows administration, cloud administration, or programming. If you’re new to these areas, it's important to first build a foundational understanding of the basic concepts and tools that you'll be automating with Ansible. By getting familiar with these fundamentals, you'll be better equipped to dive into automation and take full advantage of what Ansible has to offer. To get started, you'll need to familiarize yourself with a few key concepts, CLI tools, scripting languages, and some basic knowledge of configuration, networking, and cloud management. These are essential because you'll be using Ansible to automate those tasks. You don’t need to dive deep into all the videos—just enough to get comfortable with the tools and concepts you'll be automating. This will give you a solid foundation as you move forward with Ansible and automation.
Skills Descriptions Links
Basic Linux knowledge Useful Linux command lines to get you started NetworkChuck
Networking skills Understanding basic networking and setups Learn Networking Fundamental
Comfortable using the command line interface Introduction to command line usage Why Do Command Line Still Exist?
Beginner’s Linux terminal tutorial Begginer’s Linux terminal tutorial
Version control tools Git for beginners Git for beginners
How to use git basic commands How to use git basic commands
Familiarity with YAML syntax Learn YAML syntax basics Yaml tutorial
Check YAML format Yaml format check
Understanding of IT infrastructure concepts Learn Ansible and network configuration concepts Asible to configure your network connection concepts
Basic scripting Learn Bash scripting basics Bash Script basic
Learn shell scripting basics Shell Script tutorial
SSH Keys Learn SSH basics SSH Basics in 6 min
Ansible SSH basics Ansible SSH Foundation
Understanding of virtualization and cloud computing basics Learn the difference between VMs and Containers VMs vs Containers
Using IDE to implement your automation Learn how to use VSCode with Ansible VSCode with Ansible

Have you done your prerequirments and go back here so head to next section and dig in some anible.

Ansible Understanding the Basics:

What is Ansible? 🤔

Ansible is a powerful tool that helps automate a wide range of IT tasks, such as configuring networks, installing software, setting up servers and cloud infrastructure, managing configurations, sending and receiving messages, and more.

It uses a simple YAML format text file to define tasks and connects to target machines using SSHno additional software or agents are required. Built on top of Python, Ansible leverages Python’s capabilities, meaning it can accomplish anything that Python can. What makes Ansible especially popular is that it doesn’t require you to be a Python programmer, and it’s incredibly easy to use.

This video will provide you with an introduction to Ansible, helping you understand its core concepts and getting you started on your learning path.

Ansible Tutorial - What is Ansible with TechWorldWithNana

infrastructure as code (IaC) 🛠️

Familiarize yourself with the concepts of configuration management and infrastructure as code (IaC).

Configuration management refers to the process of handling and maintaining consistent software configurations across systems, while Infrastructure as Code is the practice of managing and provisioning IT infrastructure through code rather than manual processes.

Ansible’s architecture 🏗️

Next, dive into Ansible’s architecture.

Ansible operates with a control node (the machine running Ansible commands), managed nodes (the machines being configured or automated), and inventory (the list of managed nodes). Understanding how these components work together is key to leveraging Ansible’s full potential.

After the installation section, let’s go over some key points to solidify your understanding.

Installation 💾

Install Ansible on your local machine or a control node. Ansible can be installed on Linux, macOS, or Windows.

Follow the official for your operating system.

You can follow the official Ansible installation Guide for your operating system. Below are the installation commands for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and macOS

  • RHEL:
sudo dnf install ansible
  • MacOS
brew install ansible

Are you on Mac? but you don’t have homebrew yet? then go get brew here.🍺

Ansible Key Concepts 🗝️

Before you start coding with Ansible, make sure to review these key concepts.

Where does Ansible run? 🏃‍♂️💻

Ansible runs on the control host and uses SSH to communicate with target hosts, performing tasks and applying configurations.

Ansible Control Host 🖥️🎮

The Ansible control host is the machine where Ansible is installed, and from which you run Ansible commands and playbooks.

Ansible Target Hosts 🎯💻

Target hosts, or managed nodes, are the machines that Ansible manages and configures.

Ansible Playbook ▶️📚

An Ansible playbook is a YAML file that outlines the tasks Ansible will execute on managed systems in a specific order. It defines steps to configure servers, deploy applications, or install software on cloud platforms.

Here a hello world ansible playbook example:

- name: Hello World Playbook
  hosts: all
    - name: Print Hello World
        msg: "Hello, World!"

Run your first Ansible Playbook 🏃

To execute the playbook and simplify the process:

  1. Copy and Save: Copy the YAML content into a file, e.g., hello_world.yml.

  2. Run with Inventory:
    • If hosts: all is defined, you need an inventory file. Run:
      ansible-playbook -i <inventory> hello_world.yml
  3. Simplify with localhost:
    • Change hosts: all to hosts: localhost in the playbook.
    • This removes the need for an inventory file. Run:
      ansible-playbook hello_world.yml

This works because localhost tells Ansible to execute directly on the control node without requiring an external inventory.

Ansible Inventory 📋🔧

In Ansible, the inventory defines the hosts where tasks will be executed.

You can create a simple inventory file with one or more hosts and groups.

Open your preferred text editor (I use VSCode) and create a file like this:





Conclusion 🚀

Embarking on your Ansible journey can be both exciting and rewarding. By following the outlined learning path, you’ll gain a solid understanding of automation, empowering you to streamline IT tasks and manage complex environments efficiently. Whether you’re building foundational skills or expanding your existing expertise, Ansible provides a versatile toolkit to transform your workflow. ⚙️💻

Remember, mastery comes with practice. Start small, experiment with playbooks, and gradually tackle more advanced scenarios. The automation landscape evolves rapidly, so keep exploring, stay curious, and share your insights with the community. 🌟 Happy automating! 🎉 See you next time with more! 🚀✨

This page was last update at 2025-01-16 15:51